Call for Abstract
The theme of the CONVR 2023 Conference is “Managing the digital transformation of construction industry”.
Authors are invited to submit their abstracts via EasyChair link given below:
The abstract must be no more than 200 words in length, written in English and address at least one of the CONVR 2023 streams.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be singularly provided a DOI, made available for open access download and submitted to major indexing agencies.
Selected quality papers will be encouraged for extension and publication in the following journals, including two dedicated special issues:
[Special Issue] Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
[Special Issue] Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITCON)
Automation in Construction
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
The authors of selected quality papers will be given the opportunity to choose where they would like to have their research published. Support will be provided in connecting authors with journal editors to expedite the publication of their work.